Saturday, June 30, 2007

Nice mini theatre @ Arch , movie: Before Sunrise, Picnic

Dinner @ Joleen's new home

Monday, June 25, 2007

A story about the immediate and life-altering connection between two strangers.
300% Spanish Design and Jelly Generation Exhibition @ Shanghai Art Museum

Cinema Paradiso, I can make it too

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 ,
very nice interface ~~

Monday, June 18, 2007

Jan, Nice car, give me a ride when i come back!

Babarosa @ People's Park

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happen to read the blog of my "ex-roomate" in BJ, so many gd memories we had ...

"到北京前一天,在巴士上,突然想到那個充滿回憶的「家」,腦海中的影像明明是那麼鮮明,卻想來想去也記不起那叫什麼樓,在那一區,要是「打的」的話,要怎樣跟司機說...... 那一刻,我終於真切地感受到那年北京,已是很久遠的事,而事實上,我們真的老了。" (by Yan)

616@ Underlounge

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dinner in ZK and friend's

So relax in the forest park! next time i will bring my books with me